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As a Matthew 25 Church, we’re part of a PC(USA) initiative to actively respond to Jesus’ call to serve the hungry, thirsty, sick, imprisoned, poor and oppressed. We support and join with local and regional movements that respond to the call to serve the most vulnerable among us.

Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these,
you did it to me.
Matthew 25:40
Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministry equips lay people to provide confidential, one-to-one Christian care to individuals who are facing life challenges. Stephen Ministers are trained to provide emotional and spiritual care. It is Christ caring for people through people. For more information, please contact Bruce at

Family Promise
Our church participates in Family Promise of the Palouse. This local chapter of the national Family Promise organization is an interfaith network of local congregations whose volunteers help meet homeless families’ immediate needs for shelter, meals, and comprehensive support services with the goal of helping these families achieve lasting independence.

FOON – lunch for high school students
We host a weekly pizza lunch for high school students, offering good food, a safe space and listening ears to over 80 young people each week.
Christmas for Kids
A volunteer organization that provides Christmas gifts given by community members to children who might otherwise have none. Christmas for Kids was started by members of our church, and we continue to support it with time and treasure.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Volunteers from our church knit or crochet shawls and chemo caps for those who are ill or grieving. The shawls remind the recipients that others care and are praying for them.
National and International Mission
We support the national and international mission efforts of our denomination, Presbyterian Church (USA). We have sent mission teams to assist with hurricane relief and other needs in areas from Seattle to Mississippi and Puerto Rico to Guatemala. We have also helped with needs closer to home, such as fire recovery efforts in Kamiah, youth programs on the Yakama and Nez Perce Reservations, Habitat for Humanity homes, and gift baskets to encourage heath care workers and others serving our community.

National PC(USA) Offerings
We financially support the special offering programs through PC(USA), which work to provide disaster relief, feed the hungry, and change the structures that perpetuate poverty, oppression and injustice.
Deacons’ Benevolence Offerings
Monthly offerings provide financial support to other organizations including the Moscow Food Bank, Inland Oasis Food Pantry, Sojourners Alliance, Alternatives to Violence of the Palouse, the Latah Recovery Center, Habitat for Humanity and many more.