A Welcoming Family of Faith
Worship Every Sunday
10:30 a.m.
All are Welcome
Moscow First Presbyterian Church is a welcoming, caring family of faith, called to love the Lord and our neighbors.
We are growing in Jesus Christ through worship, teaching, fellowship, and service to others.
You are invited to seek solace and sanctuary while exploring your faith together with us. Grow in Christ through worship, small groups, or Christian Education for all ages. Share in community through fellowship activities and supporting each other in times of need. Serve the world as we actively support our local, regional, and international community.
As a deeply caring congregation, we strive to show the love of God to all people. All are welcome here.
What’s happening at FPC
News and Events
Community BBQ September 8 – Moved Indoors
The Welcome Back BBQ will be held on Sunday, September 8 from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. in the church hall where it’s cool and not smoky. Come to the north entrance at the rear of the parking lot. The church will provide the hamburgers and hot dogs. This potluck dinner is provided to the community by the FPC congregation, who will contribute salads, side dishes and desserts. Bring your friends and neighbors! Free and open to everyone!
Peace and Global Witness Offering
The Presbyterian Peace and Global Witness Offering, September 8-October 6, draws Presbyterians together to support peacemakers and resources for dealing with conflict and reconciliation around the world. 25% of this Offering for peacemaking stays in the local community. Our presbytery receives an additional 25% for ministries of peace and reconciliation. The remaining 50% is used by the Presbyterian Mission Agency to advocate for peace and justice in cultures of violence, including our own, through collaborative projects of education and Christian witness.
Deacons September Benevolence Offering
The September Benevolence Fund will be going to the Moscow Food Bank, which helps feed many families in our community. Please make out your check to FPC with September Deacons Benevolence in the memo line and mail it to the church or put it in the offering plate. You may also give online.
Read the latest issue of News & Views for more info on news and upcoming events.